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Moldovan General Police Inspectorate registers 220 cases of infringements at today's ballot

20:40 | 05.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) till 19:00 informed the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) about the registration of 220 cases of infringements or incidents at the general local elections.   

According to the president of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Angelica Caraman, 65 cases registered by law-enforcers deal with the banned electoral agitation, four – with electoral posting, 50 cases of organized transportation of voters, 11 situations of reasonable suspicion of voters’ corrupting; two cases are considered through the light of the Criminal Procedure Code - one case regards the hindering of the free exercising of the electoral right or of the activity of electoral bodies (UTA Gagauzia) and the second – deterioration of the ballot paper (Soroca).  

Also, 27 cases of photographing the ballot paper were registered (10 contravention official reports were compiled).

According to the quoted source, in all cases, official examiners carry out activities of collection and producing evidence for the ascertaining of the deed notified.   

Under the legislation, electors can exercise their right to vote till 21:00. At the same time, the electoral bureau of the polling station can decide to extend, by two ours at the most, the period of voting, in order to allow the voters who stand in queues at the concerned polling station to exercise their rights.   



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