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Sewerage system rehabilitation project completed in Hânceşti

12:55 | 25.11.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Nov. 25 /MOLDPRES/- Sewerage system rehabilitation works have been completed in Hânceşti.

The Center Regional Development Agency (ADR) yesterday organized a reception meeting of the works under the regional water systems project. "The members of the reception committee inspected the project's products, stipulating the irregularities in the report, and the contractor is to remove all the shortcomings and inform about their remedy", ADR Centre said.

The project, started in May 2022, was implemented thanks to funding from the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, in collaboration with local public authorities. "With a total investment of almost 18 million lei (900 thousand euros), this project represents a proof of the common commitment to support the development of the infrastructure and the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of Hâncești", ADR Centre said.





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