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Romanian President to back decisions on starting of negotiations on accession to Eu with Moldova, Ukraine

13:50 | 12.12.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 12 December /MOLDPRES/ - Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on 13-15 December will participate in the Summit European Union – Western Balkans and in the European Council in Brussels. In this context, he will back the decisions on the starting of the negotiations on accession to EU with Ukraine and Moldova, MOLDPRES informs, citing AGERPRES.     

According to the official, ‘’the substantial progress made by the two states as regards the reforms must be properly recognized by the European Union.’’

The European Union – Western Balkans Summit will take place on 13 December and will tackle the developments recorded since the last meeting in this format, held in Tirana in December 2022, as well as the support provided to the Western Balkans states by the European Union. At the meeting, Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romania’s firm support for the region’s European perspective, with the observance of the principles of their own merits and the fulfillment of the accession criteria.  

At the same time, the president of Romania will stress that the extension is, first of all, ‘’an opportunity of growth and development, which should bring more unity on the European continent, an improved convergence, as well as strong sectoral policies, which are to provide benefits to all European citizens.’’  

Also, the Meeting of the European Council will be held on 14-15 December. The participants in the discussions will approach such subjects as the EU’s enlargement, revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the support for Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East, the security and defence, migration, as well as the future EU’s Strategic Agenda.   



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