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New deputy prime minister for European integration sworn in office

11:53 | 05.02.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Feb. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov was sworn in today before President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the presidential press service has reported.

The head of state said that once the positive decision by the EU member states on the initiation of accession negotiations, we are entering a decisive stage of the European integration process. Thus, it is necessary, effectively, to adjust the laws, rules and standards of the Republic of Moldova to those of the EU. "We have an ambitious plan, there is a lot of work and it is necessary for the government, all central and local public administration authorities and other interested parties in society to join major effort, which will speed up the process of European integration", said the president.

The decree appointing Cristina Gherasimov as deputy prime minister was signed on February 5 by President Maia Sandu.








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