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More and more producers in country support creation of Moldovan Vegetable Growers Association

13:54 | 05.02.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Feb. 5 /MOLDPRES/- The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) announced today that more and more producers in the country support the creation of the Association of Vegetable Growers of Moldova.

"We start the week with good news, this is because, according to the Moldovan Farmers' Federation (FARM), over two hundred vegetable growers in the country support the creation of the Association of Vegetable Growers. The agricultural community has already taken important steps to make this initiative a reality," MAIA said.

Over 10 regional meetings were held with the participation of vegetable growers from more than 20 districts of the country. "

The initiative of the Moldovan Farmers' Federation to create the first profile association in the vegetable sector - the National Association of Vegetable Growers of Moldova (ANLRM) was launched in early December 2023, being supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.

Representing the interests of vegetable producers before local, central and national authorities, improving the legislative framework and developing a favorable environment for the transformation of the vegetable business, attracting programs and international funding sources, better prices for agricultural inputs, access to advanced technologies, exchange of best practices, access to foreign markets and increased bargaining power, identification of needs as well as suitable solutions - can only be possible by creating a unified force, FARM said.



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