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Moldovan president, teachers, rectors discuss referendum on Moldova's accession to EU

16:32 | 05.02.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 February /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has continued the consultations with the civil society on the organization of the referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union. Rectors,  teachers and other representatives of the academic environment participated in the today’s discussion, the presidential press service reported.  

The head of state referred to the need to consolidate the people’s support for Moldova’s European way and for the European future of the young Moldovans. Thus, President Sandu urged the teachers to discuss about the process of European integration at school activities, informing correctly the pupils and students, who are the future adults of Moldova.    

The referendum on Moldova’s accession to EU will be held till the end of this year.




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