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National universal wrestling team won six medals at European Championships

12:53 | 20.05.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, May 20 /MOLDPRES/ - The national universal wrestling team returned with six medals from the European Championships (GAMMA), held in Slovakia.

Petru Buzdugan (77 kg), Cristian Constantinov (+93 kg) and Dmitrii Ceacusta (-93 kg) climbed to the highest step of the award podium in the MMA striking event. Also in this event, Oleg Pirvu (+93 kg) ranked third.

In the MMA event, Petru Buzdugan (77 kg) and Cristian Constantinov (+93 kg) ranked second.

With three gold, two silver and one bronze medals, the national team of universal wrestling ranked second in the team ranking out of 13 participating countries.


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