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PHOTO Moldova's Border Police receives modern equipment purchased with Italy's financial support

15:46 | 20.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Border Police today received a set of modern equipment purchased with the financial support of Italy’s government. The procurement was made within a project titled, Consolidation of capacities of protection and social and economic inclusion of Ukrainian refugees, of nationals of third countries and host communities of Moldova.      

The project’s budget is of 1.3 million euros. It is implemented by the Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Moldova during 1 July 2022-30 June 2024 and its main goal is to consolidate the system of coordination of the border security. This envisages the modernization of the Operational Centre of Coordination of the Border Police, in charge of the coordination and exchange of information between all authorities of the national system of borders’ management and which works as a single point of contact for the exchange of information with other border security agents.    

Attending the event were Interior Minister Adrian Efros, Head of the Border Police, Ruslan Galusca, Ambassador of Italy to Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni and Head of the IOM Mission in Moldova, Lars Lonnback.    

Head of the Border Police Ruslan Galusca stressed that this project represented one more step in consolidating the institutional capacities of the security at border and in ensuring a better protection and inclusion for refugees. ‘’We thank the Italian people for the support provided and the IOM Mission for the project’s efficient implementation,’’ Ruslan Galusca said.   

Thus, among the equipment delivered, there are: high capacity radio relays for 16 TETRA locations, set in December 2023; integrated communications equipment for 19 transport means, set in January 2024; modernization of the Information System of the Operational Coordination System (SICOC), finished in May, this year; development and implementation of e-learning systems, which include laptops, software and trainings for system managers; development of the GPS monitoring system of TETRA stations.       

Medals were awarded for cooperation to Ambassador of Italy to Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni and a specialist in the national programme, IOM Moldova, Alexandru Gutu, as a token of gratitude for emphasizing the fruitful cooperation with the Border Police, in the efficient management of borders and backing the migrants.   








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