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Ambassadors of Romania, Ukraine to Moldova welcome signing of Pact For Europe by 13 parties

18:49 | 26.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 May /MOLDPRES/ - Ambassador of Romania Cristian-Leon Turcanu and Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova Marko Shevchenko have welcomed the signing of the Pact For Europe by 13 parties. The two diplomats said that the way to EU was the most correct option and the Moldovan citizens deserved being members of the great European family.   

Immediately after the Pact’s signing, the diplomat from Bucharest, Cristian-Leon Turcanu, noted that this document was not at all a simple commitment, but which necessitates cooperation and joint effort.  

„This is a commitment which requires the interest of the citizen, the European future of the residents from Moldova, no matter the ethnic affiliation, of religion or language which they speak, must be put on the forefront. A firm commitment to the fundamental values which are at the basis of the European Union and which is in the soul of each citizen who wants a better future, as European hearts are beating here in Moldova. And the political establishment has the fundamental duty to observe the citizen’s aspirations and to fulfill his/her wishes. The European Union, the European dream is above the political ideologies and was fully proved by the Snagov Declaration, through which the principal political forces committed to bring Romania to the European Union and at present, 29 years later, we everybody see the results. Anyone who crosses the Prut river sees with his/her eyes what the European Union means; seas peace, stability, a better living, education and health at European standards, qualitative infrastructure and first of all, he/she sees respect for each individual. And if we look to the East, we see an illegal, cruel and illegitimate war waged by Russia against our friends and neighbours – Ukraine. If we look to the East, we see how Moscow violates the peace and the international rules. Every day, we see how the neutrality is despised, the history is misinterpreted and the identity is doubted. The citizens of Moldova are as European as any citizen of the European Union, either from France, Denmark or from Romania. We share the same history, traditions and first of all, a deep attachment to peace and a prosperous future in freedom. A future which we are to decide ourselves. If Moldova’s citizens are European, time is ripe for Moldova to also be member of the European Union and this is the task of everybody, as the accession to the European Union does not mean the effort of a single party or an alliance, but means a joint effort of all those who want a better future. I am confident that this wish for peace and prosperity will be clearly expressed by all Moldova’s citizens at the referendum due on 20 October, a referendum about the future of the next generations,’’ Cristian-Leon Turcanu said.

Marko Shevchenko said that today’s event was a really historical one. ‘’Thank you that I am present here and I am part of this history. Congratulations to all political leaders who signed this document today. They found a common platform, a platform outside the electoral competition, one which can unite. The parties assembled here today with the goal to bring Moldova to the club of the prosperous and rich - the European Union. We are together with Moldova on our way towards the European Union. The road will be difficult, but we hope it will be shorter with such friends,’’ the diplomat said.     

The Ukrainian official came up with a message also for the citizens of Moldova who look to the East. ‘’If you choose this direction, you should be aware that you choose a ticket for war.’’  

The Pact For Europe was signed by the Ecologist Party of Moldova, the Action and Solidarity Party, the Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova, Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, European Social Democratic Party, National Liberal Party, People’s Power Party, National Alternative Movement Party, Dignity and Truth Party, Party of Change, League of Cities and Communes, Coalition for Unity and Welfare, People’s Will Political Party.       




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