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Head of state signs decree on appointment to office of new Moldova's prosecutor general

11:33 | 01.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 1 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today signed the decree on the appointment of Ion Munteanu to the office of Moldova’s Prosecutor General. The candidacy of Ion Munteanu was put forward to the head of state by the Superior Council of Prosecutors following a meeting on 31 May this year, the presidential press service has reported.   

During the swearing in office of the Prosecutor General, President Maia Sandu referred to the complicated mission of the new Prosecutor General and the need to sanction those who had committed corruption acts.    

„You have a complicated mission. Less is done than is spoken in justice at present, unfortunately. Time is ripe to do more, quicker, firmer and more correct.

Both I and the citizens are waiting for justice to be done. Those who committed corruption acts, those who infringed the law must be sanctioned. In justice, at the prosecutor’s office, we must have honest people, good professionals, people who work for the Republic of Moldova and for its citizens.’’  



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