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Moldovan government approves new benefits for young specialists in medicine, culture, education

12:04 | 05.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The cabinet has taken new measures for the attraction and keeping of the young specialists in the medical system, especially in the rural areas. Thus, the young people with higher degree education in medicine will be included in the list of the beneficiaries of allowances and compensations provided from the state budget. Also, according to the amendments made to the Law on healthcare, the expenses for the movement to the place of work and back of the medical, sanitary and pharmaceutical employees with residence outside the settlements where they work will be compensated, the government’s communication department has reported.      

The graduates of higher degree education in medicine and of the post-graduate and residency education, who will work at the institutions to which they will be sent by the Health Ministry during five years, will benefit from allowances, from the compensation of the expenses for the renting of dwellings and for the consumption of thermal and electric energy.   

At the same time, the decision on the employment of young specialists to vacant teaching positions, approved by the government, sees that, in the first five years of work, the graduates of the syllabi of degree and master higher education will receive a one-off allowance worth 200,000 lei. The ones from the vocational education will enjoy 160,000 lei.      

„The cabinet decision is meant to encourage young specialists from medicine and education to go to work in our villages and towns,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed.  

The teachers debutants, sent by the Education and Research Ministry to institutions from the rural areas, district centres or to the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, will benefit from compensations worth 1,000 lei monthly for the expenses of renting dwellings. At the same time, they will receive an annual one-off payment of 3,000 lei for the compensation of the consumption of electric and thermal energy.     

At the same time, the Regulation on the way of calculation, distribution, use and record of the transfers with special purpose for backing young specialists in the culture sector establishes a one-off allowance worth 120,000 lei for the graduates of higher education institutions and of 90,000 lei for the ones of the vocational schools.     

„For the first time ever in Moldova’s history, also young specialists of the culture field will receive one-off allowances following the graduation and sending to villages, communes, districts centres of Moldova,’’ Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said.

The money will be allocated in three equal installments. Beneficiaries will be the young people who are employed, in the first year after graduation, in the institutions to which they were sent by the Culture Ministry and work there during three years.   


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