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PHOTO Moldova's General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations launches campaign of preventing drowning cases on summer period

16:00 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) today launched a campaign for the prevention of cases of drowning on the summer period.   

The event took place at the rescue station No 2 of the La Izvor Park from the Moldovan capital. During the action, rescuers and lifeguards carried out demonstrative applications. At the same time, IGSU specialists came up with recommendations for people, in order to avoid incidents in water and para-physicians of the Mobile Emergency Service for Reanimation and Extrication (SMURD) displayed resuscitation manoeuvres and explained techniques of first aid in cases of drowning.    

„On the summer period, people are urged to strictly observe the safety rules in water and nearby water basins from the country. IGSU warns citizens that bathing is allowed only in authorized places and endowed with rescue stations. Also, to avoid tragedies, the bathing at night and in bad weather conditions is banned. At the same time, according to specialists, the consumption of alcoholic drinks, before entering water, especially in hot weather, poses danger to the life and health. Under the influence of alcohol, the blood pressure of the person who enters water can sharply change and triggers the loss of consciousness, subsequently leading to lethal cases of drowning,’’ the institution noted.    

Also, on the summer vacation period, adults should strictly monitor children nearby lakes and rivers, not allow them bathing alone.

According to IGSU, in the last four years, a decrease in the number of cases of drowning was recorded from 85 people in 2019 to 38 people in 2023. Most cases of drowning are registered on the summer period, especially on days-off. Since early 2024, 17 people, among whom three minors, have died in water basins from Moldova.   

The campaign on the prevention of drowning cases will be carried out during the entire summer period. The action’s goal is to reduce the number of accidents in water among children, as well as adults.   








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