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Moldovan local public authorities can benefit from support worth up to 15,000 dollars or implementing initiatives of response to demographic changes

15:24 | 05.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - The local public authorities can benefit from technical and financial support worth up to 15,000 dollars for the implementation of initiatives and policies of response to demographic changes. This is possible within the programme on financial support for the local public authorities of the first level, launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Moldova, in partnership with the State Chancellery.      

The goal of the Programme is to optimize the process of governance, having at the basis the demographic data and the specific needs of the people.    

The programme includes technical and financial support of up to 15,000 dollars per one settlement for the implementation of local initiatives and policies of response to such demographic changes as: low fertility, population’s ageing, young people’s emigration, etc.    

Any local public authority of the first level from Moldova which has at least 4,000 residents can participate in the programme.   

The files on participation can be submitted till 3 July 2024, 23:59, to the email:, with indicating the title of the message, Programme on financial support for consolidation of governance based on data.    



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