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Group of 11 EU states demand adopted of framework of negotiation for accession of Moldova, Ukraine

20:37 | 05.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - A group of 11 out of those 27 EU member states today demanded that the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council adopts, as early as this month, the frameworks of negotiation for the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to EU. And this in order to be able to summon the intergovernmental conferences with the two countries in late June, the EFE agency reports, which consulted the letter, quoted by AGERPRES and MOLDPRES.      

„The opening of the negotiations on accession would provide an additional motivation both to Ukraine and Moldova.’’ This is what the 11 signatory member states, respectively, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden, reasoned in a Joint Letter on EU Accession Process.   

„Taking into account the terrible situation on the ground in Ukraine, as well as the forthcoming presidential elections and the referendum on Moldova’s accession to EU, this would raise the morale and would promote the implementation of reforms in these countries,’’ the foreign affairs ministers or the state secretaries from the Foreign Affairs Ministries, who signed the document submitted to the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council, noted in the letter.   

Those 11 decision-makers demand, ‘’joint adoption of the frameworks of negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova by the General Affairs Council not later than June, in order to summon the intergovernmental conferences with both countries till late June 2024.’’   

In this respect, they reminded that the European leaders, at their summit in last March, agreed on the ‘’quick adoption of the frameworks of negotiation for Ukraine and Moldova and advancement in the work without delay.’’  

Through the acceptance of these frameworks of negotiation and summoning of the intergovernmental conferences, EU would, in fact, open the negotiations on accession with the two countries, the signatories to the letter concluded.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean has recently said that the Moldovan authorities ‘’target the end of June’’ for the official the opening of the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to the European Union. ‘’The government will be prepared with all its homework, so that we can officially open the negotiations.’’ the PM noted.    



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