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About 39,000 surgical interventions carried out at clinics, clinic bases of Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University in 2023

16:38 | 07.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 39,000 surgical interventions were carried out at the clinics and clinic bases of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) in 2023, up by over 11,000 against the year before.    

According to USMF, on this period, the number of consultations provided to employees of departments stood at127,600, which is by 18,000 more and of guards – 7,400, up by 1,000.     

At a meeting of the university’s Senate, university professor, pro-rector for clinic activity and residency Valeriu Revenco said that, in 2023, the staff of the university clinics had enforced new ways of therapeutic treatment, with 46 invention and innovation licences registered. At the same time, 50 new ways of diagnose and another 47 treatment ones were introduced. Also, in the last two years, the scientific and teaching staff has worked out 73 protocols at a request by the Health Ministry.     

„As for the methodical assistance provided to the competent ministry, the scientific and teaching staff participates in activities in 528 specialty commissions and in 292 attestation commissions. The number of commissions for equalizing the post-graduate education acts got abroad, where the university’s staff works, gas grown to 95, against 25 in 2022,’’ the pro-rector said.   

In the last year, the providing of specialized medical assistance was ensured by 590 employees from 95 university clinics of therapeutic, surgical, pediatric and obstetric and gynecological profiles. The clinic activity at the departments of therapeutic profile is carried out by a total number of 41,400 people – students, resident physicians, students training for doctor’s degree, physicians students, employees of departments. As many as 12,811 beds are available at the sections with therapeutic, surgical, pediatric and therapeutic and obstetric and gynecological sections.   

In 2023, the USMF’s administration updated and elaborated 26 new contracts on cooperation with public medical and sanitary institutions and two additional agreements between the university and hospitals. All aspects dealing with the work of teachers and of the beneficiaries of education are regarded.




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