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PM says common goal to eradicate corruption, to edify welfare in Moldova

21:30 | 07.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - The results and the challenges in judging the corruption cases and the measures of prevention of this phenomenon in the judicial system have been some of the subjects discussed at the third meeting of the Anticorruption Platform, held at the Justice Ministry’s headquarters.    

Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed the efficiency of this format of dialogue and urged the competent institutions to actively cooperate, in order to deliver the results expected and ensure a fair justice, which acts only in the interest of the citizens. According to the PM, the latest developments in the justice sector are positive, even if the process itself is a complex one and long lasting. Presently, the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Supreme Court of Justice are reformed, the prosecutor general was appointed and two vetting commissions work, in order to evaluate the financial and ethic integrity of the judges and prosecutors.     

„Together, we can identify also other new instruments in the fight against corruption, as well as for strengthening the institutions in charge of this process. We have a common goal – to eradicate the corruption, in order to edify the welfare at home,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

At the meeting, Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru referred to the progress made in optimizing the normative framework as to the sequestrations and confiscations, as well as to the challenges as regards the implementation of the control and supervision mechanisms. The participants also discussed the developments in the creation of the anticorruption judicial system, from the viewpoint of the conditions put by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Another subject regarded the dynamic of the consideration of the corruption causes, with emphasis on the systemic corruption, as well as the international assistance for the consolidation of the rule of law state.   

The Anticorruption Platform was set up in early 2024, in order to optimize the process of coordination of the policies in the field, for the active involvement of the authorities and institutions in the settlement of the problems and to facilitate the inter-institutional communication and cooperation.  






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