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Moldovan PM congratulates member of trade unions in interior affairs, education sector on occasion of Trade Unionist's Day

21:55 | 07.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has congratulated the members of the trade union organizations from the interior affairs sector and the education field on the occasion of the Trade Unionist’s Day. The PM conveyed the message at the forum of the trade union leaders, held on 7-8 June.   

„Thank you for dedication. The state is based on policemen, rescuers for ensuring the security and peace of the citizens. At the same time, the education is a priority of ours and the government has a quite clear plan on the development of the sector, as our future as country depends on this,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.   

The prime minister appreciated the role of the specialized organizations in the improvement of the conditions of work of the employees and pointed out the actions undertaken by the cabinet to this end. It is about the increase in the basic reference value for the calculation of the salary at 2,300 lei, i.e. by 15 per cent, for all employees of the interior affairs system, as well as from education. At the same time, the privileges for the ones from interior affairs sector were preserved and, due to support of the international partners, the conditions of activity and the endowments are continuously improved for them.    

In the context, the prime minister emphasized that Moldova’s accession to the European Union was the best way to ensure an economic development, which is to allow new benefits for the employees.  

„This is the simplest explanation on why the European integration is our priority number one. Now, it is more real than ever and must join our efforts and accomplish this in next autumn. The accession to EU will bring us peace and well-being. This thing has been proved,’’ the prime minister underlined. Este cea mai simplă explicație de ce integrarea europeană este prioritatea noastră numărul unu. Acum este mai real ca niciodată și trebuie să ne unim eforturile și în toamnă să realizăm acest lucru. Aderarea la UE ne va aduce pace și bunăstare. Este dovedit acest lucru”, a subliniat premierul.

The trade union leaders expressed willingness to continue the constructive dialogue for the measures undertaken by the cabinet, in order to enhance the economic and social guarantees of the employees. At the same time, they assured of their support, as social partner, for the European integration path of Moldova.   

The forum was organized by the Sindlex Trade Unions Federation of Moldova. Attending the event were over 400 trade union leaders, heads of the primary trade union organizations and activists, who represent about 25,000 trade union members.   





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