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Moldovan parliament speaker says Cahul State University model of university which modernizes

10:42 | 08.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 8 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has paid a visit to the southern Cahul district. The speaker participated in the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu State University from Cahul, along with teachers and students of this university.  

In his message, Igor Grosu said that the Cahul University had educated over 20 generations of specialists and continued to educate good economists, teachers, engineers or lawyers. ‘’I saw a united staff, a model of university which develops, modernizes and aspires to keep pace with the latest tendencies,’’ the parliament speaker said.   

The speaker highlighted the internal projects which had contributed to the university’s modernization, as well as the assistance of the development partners. In the context, Igor Grosu referred to a recent announcement made by the Romanian government, which ruled to allocate over 2 million euros for the renovation of the university’s hostel. ‘’Our priority stays the improvement of the education and we have already made the first steps: the salaries of the teachers were increased by 15 per cent, the providing of an allowance of 200,000 lei to the graduates who choose the career of teacher, doubling of the scholarships at the pedagogical faculties and many other concrete actions,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.     

The parliament speaker offered thanks to the teachers who choose to educate generations of responsible young people, independent and capable of edifying the European Moldova. ‘’If we want a better future for Moldova, we should show the young people that it is worth learning for them, as the education can change their lives for the better.’’     

The parliament speaker visited also the new headquarters of the South Territorial Agency of Social Assistance, which starting from this year will serve the people from the Cahul, Cantemir and Taraclia districts. The action is part of the  RESTART reform of the social assistance system, which is set to modernize and improve this system. ‘’In the last years, the system have gone through significant crises. Therefore, this true restart was necessary and our common goal is that both the social assistants and the beneficiaries are contented with the conditions and services,’’ Igor Grosu said.      




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