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Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns vandalism acts, reportedly committed by three Moldovans to affect country's international image

17:01 | 08.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 8 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) has condemned the vandalism acts which would have been committed by three Moldovan citizens in Paris, France. The authorities of Moldova informed that they fully willing to cooperate with the French side, in order to establish all circumstances of the case and call the people to account.      

MAE stressed that ‘’these actions are part of a hybrid strategy, meant to affect our country’s international image.’’    

„We express the deep regret about this incident and firmly condemn the actions of these citizens, which are part of a hybrid strategy meant to affect the international image of our country. The Moldovan authorities are fully willing to cooperate with the French side, in order to establish all circumstances of the case and call the guilty people to account,’’ MAE noted.  

Information appeared in mass media today about the detaining of three Moldovan citizens for vandalism acts committed in Paris, France.  



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