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Record participation in European parliamentary elections: about 57,000 Romanian citizens from Moldova vote till 22:00

09:09 | 10.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 57,000 Romanian citizens from Moldova on 9 June exercised their right to vote at the European parliamentary elections till 22:00. The number of voters exceeds the rate of participation in the runoff of the presidential elections from Romania on 24 November 2019, when 52,285 Romanian citizens from Moldova came to vote.  

According to the Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania, out of the 52 polling stations organized in Moldova, most citizens came to vote at four polling stations in Chisinau, where about 2,200 people voted at each station; they are followed by the polling station from Orhei – 2,150 votes, Ialoveni polling station – about 2,000 votes, Ungheni – 1,780 voters, Hancesti – 1,760 voters and Durlesti – almost 1,750 votes.   

At the European parliamentary elections, 28 polling stations were opened in the central region, 17 – in the northern one and 7 polling stations – in the southern region. In the Chisinau municipality, electors were able to vote at one of the 13 polling stations.   

The voting started at 7:00 and ended at 22:00, local time. 

The European parliamentary elections took place on 6-9 June, with 720 European lawmakers due to be elected at these polls in all. The ballot is held once in five years. Thirty six polling stations were opened in Moldova at the European parliamentary elections from 2019. 



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