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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says results of European parliamentary elections to ensure firm political support for Moldova in European Parliament

13:37 | 10.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 10 June /MOLDPRES/ - Politicians from Moldova and Romania have appreciated the record participation of Romanian citizens from Moldova in the European parliamentary elections. About 57,000 people on 9 June exercised their right to vote at the ballot in all.    

Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi stressed that the result of the European parliamentary elections would ensure a firm political support for Moldova in the European Parliament in the next years.  

„The European People’s Party (EPP), where the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) is member, won in the European parliamentary elections. The biggest and the most influential pan-European political group improved its position, according to preliminary data. This result will ensure a firm political support for Moldova in the European Parliament in the next years. I thank all Moldova’s citizens who exemplarily mobilized and gave a helping hand to this nice result. We are Europeans and in the next autumn, we will legitimate our common aspiration to be part of the great European family,’’ Mihai Popsoi said.    

For his part, European MP Siegfried Muresan noted that the voter turnout was a strong argument for the entire Europe that the people of Moldova had a word to say as to the direction in which the European Union moves.  

„Thank you, the Republic of Moldova! Congratulations to all citizens, who have Romanian passports, who participated in these European parliamentary elections in record number. Almost 57,000 people voted at the polling stations beyond the Prut river, which is by 50 per cent more against the last European parliamentary elections. As much as 55.2 per cent of the candidates voted for the list of the National Liberal Party (PNL). Thank you, dear colleagues and supporters from Moldova, for every support you have provided me at these elections. Your confidence and vote makes me persist in working even more for Moldova’s European integration,’’ the official said.           

State Secretary of the Department for Relations with Moldova at Romania’s Government Adrian Dupu highlighted that the exemplary mobilization proved that the citizens from the left bank of Prut really care about the Republic of Moldova, of Romania, of our common future in EU.

„Thank you, the Republic of Moldova! I thank each citizen individually for having gone to vote, and especially each one who voted for us. I thank the colleagues from PNL Diaspora Moldova; I thank all those who backed us in this campaign, each head of district, mayor, local authority, local leader and thousands of people who came to our meetings. Both the high voter turnout and the result of the elections showed that our job was not in vain. The exemplary mobilization proves that the citizens from the left bank of the Prut river really care about Moldova, about Romania and about our common future. The result achieved showed that the people do not forget who fights for them and support them in Brussels. Thank you, we are stronger together!’’ Adrian Dupu said.    

„Over 56,000 citizens came to those 52 polling stations organized in Moldova at the European parliamentary elections, who voted for the future of the European Union and Moldova’s European perspective. Congratulations to the European citizens from this bank of the Prut river, who chose not to stay at home on 9 June, but to vote for a future in peace and prosperity!’’ Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu said.    

About 57,000 Romanian citizens from Moldova on 9 June cast their ballots at the European parliamentary elections. The number of voters exceeds the rate of participation in the runoff of the presidential elections held in Romania on 24 November 2019, when 52,285 Romanian citizens from Moldova participated in the voting.  



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