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Moldovan president congratulates Border Police employees on 32nd anniversary of institution's foundation

13:52 | 10.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a congratulatory message for the employees of the Border Police, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the institution’s foundation.

„Thank you for courage and devotion – you are in the first line in protecting Moldova from the threats and dangers we face,’’ the head of state said.   

President Maia Sandu also said that, in 2023 alone, the Border Police had processed over 19,000 crossings of Moldova’s border, with only 3,000 employees and with a better average period of time than in the countries from the region.  

„We appreciate this impressive effort, your vigilance and professionalism contributes to the national and regional security. Thank you also for the fact that you meet our citizens with goodwill. We are proud of your achievements also on the international platforms and we wish success to the border police employees who will participate in the Olympic Games in Paris. Congratulations – in peace and security!’’ the head of state added.     







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