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Baccalaureate 2024: over 16,000 candidates take exam in foreign language in Moldova

11:29 | 11.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 16,000 candidates for the Baccalaureate today take the examination in the foreign language; this is the third exam of this examination session.   

According to the Education and Research Ministry, 12,613 out of those 16,282 candidates will write the exam in the English language, 3,479 – in the French language, 93 – German language, 24 – Spanish language, 50 – Italian language, 23 – Turkish language.     

The fourth exam will be held on 14 June, in which 17,479 candidates will participate. A number of 8,068 of the candidates from the science department will take the examination in Mathematics, 8674 candidates from the humanities – the exam in the History of the Romanians and Universal History; 254 candidates from the sports department and 483 candidates from the arts department will take exams according to their profile.    

The exam in the discipline at will be held on 18 June. As many as 15,692 candidates will participate in this examination, of whom 9,440 ones will take the exam in Geography, 2,301 – Chemistry, 1,326 – the History of the Romanians and Universal History, 774 – Informatics, 1,073 – Biology, 552 – Mathematics and 226 – Physics.    

The school-leaving examinations session will end on 21 June, with the examination in the mother language, in which 523 candidates will take part in 13 baccalaureate centres. A number of 230 candidates of them will take the exam in the Bulgarian language and literature, 240 candidates – in the Gagauz language and literature and 53 candidates will take the examination in the Ukrainian language and literature.

The baccalaureate session 2024 is held at 93 centres from all over Moldova on 4-21 June.  



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