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Moldovan PM meets Austrian Federal Minister of Economic Affairs

19:33 | 11.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s European integration path, consolidation of the bilateral commercial and economic relations and opportunities of their extending in such sectors as agriculture and green energy have been among the main subjects discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Federal Minister of Labour and Economic Affairs of Austria Martin Kocher, the government’s communication department reported.    

The prime minister appreciated the constructive partnership between Moldova and Austria. He emphasized that the present governmental priorities were dealing with the creation of the conditions needed for sustainable economic growth, improvement of the citizens’ living standards, maintaining of peace and stability in Moldova.

„We want to implement as many as possible Moldovan-Austrian projects for the benefit of the citizens, focused on digitalization, innovation, energy efficiency, green economy and environmental protection,’’ PM Dorin Recean also said.  

The prime minister thanked the Austrian side for the assistance provided during years, through the Austrian Development Agency. Projects on the segments of good governance, strengthening the institutional capacities, vocational education, water supply have been carried out.

The meeting between PM with the federal minister of labour and economic affairs of Austria took place in the context of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, held in Berlin.



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