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State Administration of Roads says 42 national roads affected by bad weather in Moldova

13:39 | 12.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - Forty two national public roads have been affected in the wake of the heavy rains and the strong wind from 11 June evening.  

According to the State Administration of Roads (ASD), the intervention of teams of workers from the Drumuri (Roads) stock company was needed in this situation, in order to ensure the carrying out of the road traffic in safety.   

To remedy the situation, special equipment and road workers were mobilized, who carried out works of cleaning the roadway, hit by the accumulation of water, mud and gravel.   

The interventions took place in the sectors: Orhei, Telenesti, Dubasari, Criuleni, Glodeni, Chisinau, Cainari, Soldanesti, Sangerei, Taraclia, Soroca, Floresti, Sanatauca, Straseni, Calarasi, Leova and Ialoveni.  

ASD noted that the information was constantly updated, as the interventions continued.  






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