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Moldovan president discussed with health minister ongoing plan to improve health services across country

14:47 | 04.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu today held a discussion with Health Minister Ala Nemerenco about the ongoing plan to improve health services throughout the country, the presidential press service has reported.

The head of state noted that the investments of about 3 billion lei in the country's hospitals, the renovation or capital repair of more than 60 wards of different profile, nine maternity wards, 11 intensive care wards, the endowment with important equipment, including dozens of computerized tomographs, and the allocation of 120 ambulances are having their effect - now our doctors can save more lives.

"An important topic for the people I talk to when I go to the villages is the cheaper, compensated medicines. I have found that sometimes citizens are not aware that for the first time a number of medicines have become free and others are up to 80% compensated," said Maia Sandu. In this context, the head of state urged all citizens to ask their family doctors for the list of compensated medicines and asked doctors to inform people as clearly as possible about the fact that the state pays part of the costs of medicines.

The official also said that people need to know about the e-prescription which allows chronic patients to take the necessary compensated medicines and medical devices. 

"I have expressed my confidence that Pharmacy in Your Village program will be accelerated so that residents will have access to medicines without having to travel long distances. Already 16 pharmacies have been opened and another 20 have been licensed. Pharmacies will be set up in 150 villages that have never had a pharmacy," Maia Sandu said.


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