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Moldovan, Romanian officials approach cooperation

19:18 | 05.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu met today with Romanian Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu, who is in Chisinau for Trilateral Moldova - Romania - Ukraine meeting, the presidential press service has reported.

During the meeting, the head of state thanked Bucharest authorities for the constant support. Romania is one of the most important donors of the Republic of Moldova. Romania actively contributes to the implementation of the European Village program, in particular by rehabilitating, expanding and modernizing the water and sewage systems in the villages of our country.

With Romania's support, we are also developing educational infrastructure, including the purchase of school buses and the renovation of student hostels. This year, Romania will support the renovation of Cahul State University hostel. The President expressed gratitude for the constant support in the accession to the European Union, as well as for the assistance provided to Ukraine.

Maia Sandu also emphasized that the Republic of Moldova will continue to make progress on European path and the government will make every effort to carry through the initiated reforms. She also discussed bilateral projects in the energy, infrastructure, health and education.






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