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Moldovan PM meets Romania's foreign minister

20:01 | 05.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean had a meeting with Romania's Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu, who is on an official visit to Chisinau, the government's communication department has reported.

The official conveyed a message of gratitude for Romania's support to our country in the European integration, as well as in the implementation of several projects that bring concrete and sustainable benefits for the people.

The officials said that the Republic of Moldova and Romania have a bilateral agenda characterized by continuity, intensity and results on multiple dimensions.

"A strong and trusting partnership, solidarity and brotherhood - these words describe the relationship we have with Romania. We are grateful for all our joint initiatives and we continue to work together to ensure a better and prosperous future for all our citizens", said Recean.

Romania is our country's No 1 trading partner and one of the main investors, Moldova's exports amount to over 1.4 billion lei, the number of companies with Romanian capital is over 1600, investments exceed 6.7 billion lei.

Romania has also granted six million euros for carrying out 33 projects through the European Village Program, 30 million euros for the renovation of 1000 kindergartens and about four million euro for the purchase of school buses within the Development of school transport project, Recean said.

At the same time, Romania supports young people in the Republic of Moldova, offering more than 2,500 scholarships for students every year. In recent years, Romania has also financed numerous infrastructure projects, including the building of bridges, modernization of roads and water and sewage networks, as well as the equipping of hospitals and the restoration of cultural monuments.


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