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Moldovan companies to be able to attract regional, international investors

14:50 | 10.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament will approve legislative measures on facilitating the access of local investors and companies to foreign capital markets. A draft law was examined at a meeting of the parliamentary commission on economy, budget and finance.

The draft aims to remove regulatory barriers for local investors and companies to access foreign capital markets and stock exchanges. Thus, Moldovan companies will be able to attract regional and international investors and will also be able to access the capital needed for expansion, investment and development.

At the same time, alignment with the requirements and practices of foreign stock exchanges will attract investors, which will increase the liquidity and attractiveness of the Moldovan capital market. On the other hand, investors will have more confidence in transparency, corporate governance and compliance with international standards.



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