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Moldova, Ukraine exchange experience on European integration

10:23 | 16.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov met with Ukrainian counterpart Olga Stefanișina in Kiev. The two officials analyzed the European path and discussed the next steps they will take.

According to Cristina Gherasimov, today's meeting in Kiev was agreed by both sides on June 25 in Luxembourg, when the European Union officially launched accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine. "We organized this visit at the invitation of our Ukrainian colleagues in order to plan preparation for the negotiations. It is a good opportunity for our teams to exchange views and experience on the most important issues and challenges related to EU integration," Gherasimov said.

The official reiterated that the Republic of Moldova strongly condemns the Russian Federation's brutal war on Ukraine and supports its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

Gherasimov also had a meeting with Igor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of Cabinet of President Volodymyr Zelensky. The discussion focused on the importance of European unity for peace and prosperity in the region.

Today is Statehood Day in Ukraine. Gherasimov paid homage to Ukrainian heroes and noted that Ukraine's resistance means security and peace for the Republic of Moldova.







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