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Foreign citizens having problems with law to no longer be able to avoid extradition from Moldova

09:57 | 19.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - The foreign citizens who have problems with the law will no longer be able to use legal stratagems, in order to avoid the extradition from Moldova and the criminal liability. The parliament has voted a draft law to this effect in the first reading.      

According to the authors, the legislative amendments are necessary, given that, at present, the terms of holding people under arrest for the extradition and the terms provided for the issuance of an irrevocable ruling on applications for asylum do not comply. For this reason, it is impossible to hold the extraditable person under arrest till his/her delivery to the requesting state and offenders take advantage of this fact.    

In the context, the authors propose to extend the maximal term of holding the person under arrest for extradition from 180 days to 12 months. Also, the Law on asylum in Moldova will be completed with a new category of applications which must be considered in quick procedure. It is about the applications of people against whom a procedure of extradition was initiated. In this way, the term of examination of the applications for asylum will be shortened.     

Also, the authors propose to change the terms of examination and the ways of appeal applicable to the rulings issued by law courts on contestations against decisions by the General Inspection for Migration. Respectively, the decision on turning down the application for asylum will be able to be appealed at the administrative court, without preliminary procedure, on a period of five working days after the date of communication. The ruling of the court on the keeping or cancellation of the decision on turning down the application for asylum will be able to be appealed at the Court of Appeal and the ruling of this court will not be able to be appealed and will be irrevocable. It is worth mentioning that only the terms which regard the applications for asylum considered by the General Inspectorate for Migration in quick procedure will be amended.      


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