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Moldovan MPs make amendments to state budget law

09:22 | 19.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - The budget’s indicators for this year in terms of revenues, expenses and deficit are to be amended. The MPs on 18 July voted, in the second reading, the draft on amendment of the Law on state budget for the 2024 year.     

The amendment suggested by the Finance Ministry provides for a redistribution of savings identified for priority expenses and an increase of the budget deficit. Thus, in terms of revenues, the state budget for this year is to be established at 65, 830.540 million lei and in terms of expenses - de 82,608.340 million lei; the deficit is to be of 16,777.8 million lei.     

The allocations are scheduled to be increased for the sectors of health, social insurance, education, infrastructure and agriculture. More exactly, increases of allocations are included for the road fund, meant for the repair and maintaining of national and regional roads; for the energy vulnerability reduction fund, in order to provide compensations for energy; allocations for the providing of child-birth allowances, made from the state social insurances budget; allocations for the national fund of development of agriculture and rural environment; providing staff expenses in the education institutions and sports schools locally.   



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