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Two Moldovan rowers win silver medal at ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships

09:54 | 22.07.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldovan rowers Mihai Chihaia and Elena Glizan have won the silver medal at the U23 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships.   

According to the Education and Research Ministry, the tandem Chihaia-Glizan became vice-champions at the mixed canoe event on a distance of 500 metres.   

They ended the race with a time of 01:53.465, by almost 2 seconds less against the winners of the race, Aleksandr Bots-Ekaterina Shliapnikova (01:52.570), who participated in the competition in Plovdiv under neutral banner.  



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