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Moldova's foreign affairs ministry announces new rules of travel to State of Israel as of 1 August 2024

15:10 | 24.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The State of Israel, starting from 1 August 2024, changes the rules of entry to the country for the citizens of the states with free visa regime, including Moldova’s citizens.   

According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), the State of Israel enforces the ETA-IL system of preliminary verification and pre-approval of the entrance and stay of foreign citizens in Israel.

Thus, on the period 1 July – 1 August, the system has pilot character and starting from 1 August, it will work as institutional system of preliminary verification of foreign citizens willing to visit the State of Israel on diverse purposes.   

„The Israeli authorities informed that, as of 1 August this year, the foreign citizens of the states with free visa regime will be able to enter the State of Israel without the preliminary approval through the ETA-IL system. The foreign citizens who apply through this system in July, the pilot period, receive the approval which stays valid during two years,’’ MAE specified.    

On the period of the pilot project, the application for entering the State of Israel is for free, while starting from 1 August 2024, the preliminary verification on the purpose of entering the State of Israel will cost 25 NIS, about 120 lei.  



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