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Parliament speaker pays visit to central Moldova village

16:02 | 28.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has paid a visit to the Suruceni village, central Ialoveni district. The speaker visited a factory of biscuits and a nursery for decorative plants, - businesses developed with support provided by the state and discussed with local authorities.   

Iurie Cimpoies owns a factory of biscuits and is distributor of grocery products. The biscuits produced in Suruceni are sold both in shops from Moldova and are exported to European Union countries. To develop his business, which has over 40 employees, Iurie Cimpoies benefited from support through more programmes financed by the state, such as the ones implementation by the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA). By turning to account over two million lei through the setting of solar panels, the entrepreneur now monthly saves about 50,000 lei for the consumption of electric energy.     

Due to the 373 programme, Iurie Cimpoies purchased transport means by which he carries goods to shops of the country.    

Also in Suruceni, Igor Grosu visited a business developed by Artiom Stancov, who after working abroad for more years, returned to Moldova and created a nursery where decorative plants grow, which stretches for eight hectares.   

The parliament speaker encouraged the two entrepreneurs from Suruceni to resort to governmental programmes in continuation. ‘’In Suruceni, Ialoveni, I saw a settlements which develops, with successful businesses, which manage to extend and create jobs for local residents through programmes provided by the state,’’ Igor Grosu noted.  

The Community centre from Suruceni benefited from investments within the European Village programme, with its roof and façade renovated.   

About 80 cultural buildings from Moldova have been already renovated through this programme. ‘’We will continue in the same pace, in order to change the look of our settlements and turn them really European,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.    

The Suruceni village has a population of over 2,900 people. The settlement is at a distance of 22 km far from Chisinau and 13 km – from the Ialoveni district centre.  







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