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Moldova to have new ambassadors in more states

11:12 | 30.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will have new ambassadors in more states. Among them, there are Italy, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic. The government approved a decision to this effect today.     

The candidacies were put forward, after the cabinet had approved the recalling of more Moldovan ambassadors. Thus, Oleg Nica was recalled from the office of Moldova’s general consul in the Milan city, Italy.  Mihaela Mocanu will no longer be ambassador to Austria. Ion Stavila was recalled from the post of ambassador to Estonia, Alexandru Codreanu – from the position of ambassador to the Czech Republic and Adrian Rosa – ambassador to Latvia. Another recalled ambassador is Anatolie Urechean, who led Moldova’s Embassy in Italy.  

At the same time, the government approved the appointment of Anatolie Vangheli as Moldova’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Victoria Rosa will take over the position of Ambassador to Austria, Mihaela Mocanu will lead the Moldovan Embassy in Latvia. At the same time, Eugen Caras will be Ambassador to Estonia, Gabriela Moraru – to the Czech Republic and Oleg Nica – to Italy.       

The proposals were presented by Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi.



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