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Moldovan president says Moldova Support Platform to convene on 17 September

11:32 | 22.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldova Support Platform, created at an initiative by Germany, France and Romania, will convene on 17 September.  President Maia Sandu made statements to this effect at a news conference held jointly with German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz on 21 August.   

„Germany, along with France and Romania, is the cofounder of the Moldova Support Platform, an initiative which significantly contributed to the consolidation of our capacity to cope with the challenges in the last three years. This platform, which becomes Moldova Partnership Platform now, will convene on 17 September. We want to consolidate, in continuation, the economic relations between Moldova and Germany. We have a deep relation with Germany at the personal level as well. Many Moldovan citizens have found their second home in Germany and our relations become even stronger. The Moldovans want changes for the better in their country. They have chosen the way of development and of democracy. They want to live in Moldova just like people live in Germany,’’ Maia Sandu said.     

The Moldova Support Platform is an initiative of Romania, Germany and France, the goal of which is to generate immediate political, financial and material assistance, as well as deep expertise for the process of democratic reform on behalf of institutions and member states of the European Union, G7 countries, international financial institutions and international organizations, as well as other development partners. The goal of the organization of the Conference is to mobilize, concentrate and coordinate the political, technical and financial support of the developed countries for Moldova.    

The first edition of the ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform took place in Berlin, Germany, on 5 April 2022. The second edition took place in Bucharest, Romania, on 15 July 2022. The third edition of the Conference took place in Paris, France, on 21 October 2022. The last edition was held in Chisinau on 17 October 2023.    



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