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National Congress of Romanian Historians supports Moldova's European integration path, urges citizens to participate in Referendum on 20 October 2024

16:54 | 30.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - The National Congress of Romanian Historians (CNIR), held in tandem in two cities, Chisinau and Suceava, for the first time ever, on 28-31 August, has made public a declaration on the support of Moldova’s integration into the European Union.   

„We, the participants in the National Congress of Romanian Historians, the fourth edition, Chisinau-Suceava, 27-31 August 2024, specialists in the field of studying the past, affirm that the history must be an edifying force of the society, a bridge of understanding and rapprochement between peoples, an urge to action for ensuring the peace and social progress. We denounce the practices of falsification and distorting the past as means of justifying the aggressive war waged by Russia against the Ukrainian people and state,’’ the Declaration reads.  

The participants in the Congress say that ‘’the history teaches us that any giving up represents only an urge for new aggressions, which might go beyond Ukraine to other states, including to Moldova; therefore, our common duty is to help the victims reject the aggression. The National Congress of Romanian Historians supports the European integration way of Moldova and urges the citizens to participate in the Referendum due on 20 October 2024 and back Moldova’s integration into the united family of the European nations.’’  

„The historical experience of Romania is particularly relevant for the stakes of the option which the citizens of Moldova have to make. For Romania, the accession to the European Union was a historical chance of economic and social progress and of ensuring the protection against any external threats. For the citizens of Moldova, the confirmation of the support for the accession to the European Union represents a firm option for economic and social progress, for well-being, for the European values and the consolidation of their own security,’’ reads the Declaration of the National Congress of Romanian Historians.    

The fourth edition of CNIR takes place on 28-31 August and is organized under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, National Committee of Historians from Romania, State University of Moldova and the Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, in partnership with the Education Ministry of Romania, Moldova’s Education and Research Ministry, Department for Relation with Moldova of Romania’s government and the Romanian Cultural Institute.   




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