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Polish PM says devoted friend in efforts for safe, soveriegn, prosperous Moldova

09:42 | 05.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/- Poland will continue to support Moldova’s European integration path. Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk has made statements to this effect in the Moldovan parliament’s plenum. The Polish PM gave his speech before MPs, representatives of the civil society, students, as well as economic agents which established commercial relations with Poland, the parliament’s press service has reported.    

Donald Tusk paid an official visit to Chisinau on a historical period for Moldova, when important progress is recorded in the country’s European integration process. In the context, the official referred to the experience of Poland, which had been member of the European family for 20 years. ‘’You are before an important choice which Poland made 20 years ago. The accession to the European Union was one of the cleverest choices which the Poles ever made in history and it was beneficial from all points of view. And it is not about political visions, but the real life and Poland, year after year, registered economic progress. I came before you as devoted friend and loyal friend in the efforts for a safe, sovereign and prosperous Moldova,’’ Donald Tusk said.        

Also, the Polish prime minister stressed that Poland would continue backing the European integration way of Moldova. ‘’You will always be able to rely on Poland, only if you express the wish to continue this process of edification of an independent Moldova, integrated into a strong and united Europe,’’ the Polish official sail.  

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, for his part, thanked the polish prime minister for every support provided by Poland to Moldova during years. In his speech, he referred to tens of nice examples which prove the good relations between the two countries. ‘’Moldova goes through a historical period and has ahead the most important decision since the declaration of Independence so far. I am confident that we will make the correct choice, as all of us want to live in peace at home. We feel that we have true friends on this way and Poland is a friend on which we can rely,’’ Igor Grosu said.   

The parliament speaker noted that Moldova felt the support on behalf of Poland not only at the political level, but also at the level of the producers of wines and Moldovan farmers, who are happy that the Moldovan wines and fruits reach the tables and shelves of Polish shops. Moldova has been too much late for joining the European family; therefore, we are confident that, being backed by our European partners – we will succeed. Your support shows us that we are on the right way and this encourages us to move forward,’’ the parliament speaker stressed.  

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk paid a visit to Chisinau. The visit’s agenda included meetings with Prime Minister Dorin Recean and President Maia Sandu.







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