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World Bank provides Moldova with 40 million dollars for consolidating resilience to natural disasters

15:03 | 06.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from financial support worth 40 million dollars on behalf of the World Bank for the consolidation of the capacities of management of risks at natural disasters and shocks triggered by the climate changes. The WB board of directors on 5 September announced a package of financing to this end.    

„Moldova is among the most vulnerable countries from the climatic viewpoint in Europe. The country has been facing an event of significant disaster or natural danger, on average, once in each three years starting from 2000. The improvement of Moldova’s capacities of preparation and response to emergency situations is essential for the protection of the human lives and preventing the economic losses inflicted by the disasters triggered by the climate changes,’’ World Bank Group’s Country Manager Inguna Dobraja said.    

According to a WB’s press release, the project provides for the implementation of a national public warning system, based on mobile communications, improvement of the meteorological services, as well as the adjusting of the standards of seismic designing and upgrading to the EU’s codes on construction, especially the ones of resistance to earthquake.    

According to World Bank’s data, since 1992, the financial institution has allocated over 2.1 billion dollars for more than 70 operations in Moldova, covering such fields as the reform of regulation and development of businesses; modernization of governmental services, fiscal administration, cadastre, education, roads, agriculture, water, sewerage and energy.   




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