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Spokesman for government says cabinet's decisions in transports sector regard enhancement of safety, correctness, quality of citizens' movement

14:49 | 09.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 9 September /MOLDPRES/ - The government’s decisions in the transports sector regard the enhancement of the safety, correctness and quality of citizens’ movement. The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, has made statements to this effect, after the Employers’ Association of Motor Transport Operators (APOTA) sent a letter to Prime Minister Dorin Recean, thereby demanding a meeting to discuss the problems in the field.   

„I want to remind the details of the reforms in the road transport field: all measures introduced are for the benefit of the passengers, in order to improve the conditions of travel. And namely, the sound competition and more options of movement for passengers.

We support the mayoralties sand mayors to provide the residents with transport, including through the opening and change of regular routes. We reduce the bureaucracy! We said ‘’goodbye’’ to driver’s logbook.  

We fiscalize and digitalize the road transport: e-ticket and e-routing. We impose the fiscalization of the process of issuance of the travel ticket and the tickets will be issued as fiscal bonds or electronic documents. The government insists that this process is carried out till the end of the 2024 year,’’ Daniel Voda said.  

The spokesman for the government noted that ‘’the decisions taken regard the enhancement of the safety, correctness and quality of citizens’ movement.’’ ‘’This goal is essential for the authorities in the dialogue with the carriers and any institutional communication will be made through the present platforms. Hence, are these measures welcome for the passengers and for the carriers who want to work correctly? Yes. Are these measures welcome for those who want to work according to the old rules? Probably no,’’ Daniel Voda added.   

APOTA today made public a letter addressed to Prime Minister Dorin Recean, thereby asking for a meeting with the PM, to discuss the problems in the sector.   



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