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More young Moldovans to be able to register for Erasmus+ Programme

11:13 | 10.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union’s budget for the next year might be increased by 20 million euros for the Erasmus+ Programme. The chief negotiator of the European Parliament for the EU’s multiannual budget, Siegfried Muresan, has made statements to this effect.    

According to Muresan, the request came following more discussions held with young people who say they want to go or have already gone to study abroad through the Erasmus+ education scholarship.  

„The international experience is quite important both for the academic development and for the future career opportunities. Most employers are presently looking for young people with international experience. Therefore, I made an amendment to the draft budget of the European Union for the 2025 year, thereby asking for an increase in 20 million euros of the allocations for the Erasmus syllabus. Besides, I want us to give the chance of an Erasmus scholarship also to young people outside the European Union, such as Moldova. Therefore,  I asked, separately, for a growth of five million euros of the budgetary line which finances the Erasmus scholarships, dedicated to young people from outside EU,'' Siegfried Muresan said.   

The European Union’s budget for 2025 is to be negotiated by the European Parliament with the Council of the European Union, with the goal to be adopted till the end of the 2024 year.



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