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As many as 120 pupils, students of Romany ethnic group from Moldova to receive merit scholarships worth 1,200 lei

19:06 | 13.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 120 pupils and students belonging to the Romany ethnic group  will benefit from merit scholarships worth 1,200 lei for the 2024-2025 academic year. The scholarships will be provided within a programme of scholarships launched by the Interethnic Relations Agency (ARI), in partnership with the Education and Research Ministry.    

The programme’s goal is to motivate the children and teenagers of the Romanian ethnic group to continue their education.

Candidates with ages between 16 and 25 years, who do not benefit from scholarships provided from the state budget, can register for the contest on the providing of merit scholarships.   

The deadline for the submission of the files is 4 October 2024, 17:00.


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