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ANSP: Cholera risk and acute diarrheal diseases

11:02 | 16.06.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, June 16. /MOLDPRES/- The National Agency for Public Health (ANSP) announced that it is monitoring the epidemiological situation created following the destruction of the water storage dam at Nova Kahovka, on the Dnieper River, Ukraine, and is informing about the risk of cholera and other acute diarrheal diseases.

As a result of the floods in certain regions of the neighboring country, there is a significant risk of water-borne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid fever and diseases transmitted by rodents: leptospirosis and tularemia.

At the same time, ANSP warns that there is a high risk of indigenous and imported cases of cholera and other BDA in the country, due to the intense migration of the population.

Annually, in May - September, ANSP monitors weekly the evolution of the cholera epidemic process and other acute diarrheal diseases (ADD) both among the population and in the environmental targets (rivers, lakes, ponds). According to the results, in the first 2 weeks after the initiation of monitoring (29.05-11.06.2023), 645 cases of acute diarrheal diseases were registered in the country, including 395 cases among children.

ANSP warns people who will travel to the Odesa region or the Black Sea coast to follow the recommendations of the local authorities regarding the permitted places for recreation and fishing, to use safe sources of drinking water.


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