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President of Romanian Senate: Decision to initiate negotiations for EU accession absolutely necessary

13:49 | 21.06.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, June 21. /MOLDPRES/- The decision to initiate negotiations on joining the European Union is an absolutely necessary one. President of the Romanian Senate Nicolae Ciucă made the statement at a joint briefing with Speaker Igor Grosu.

The Romanian official noted that the message of ensuring the support that Romania gives to Moldova during its accession to the EU was conveyed during today's visit.

"I am very glad that the first external visit after assuming the mandate is carried out in the Republic of Moldova. I had a meeting with President Maia Sandu and then with Igor Grosu. We feel at home in Chisinau, as the EU integration process strengthens bilateral relations. It is very important to explain the benefits of being an EU member country. It is about financial support, economic growth, support for farmers, security elements thanks to NATO. Evaluation of the implementation of the conditions will take place in the autumn, and in December we hope to decide on the start of the negotiations for the accession to the EU. It is an absolutely necessary decision. The Republic of Moldova, just like Romania, has a potential that needs to be developed and we will provide all the necessary support in this regard", said Nicolae Ciucă.

Igor Grosu said that the decision of Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciucă to pay first external visit to Moldova is a signal of support for the European integration.

"The parliamentary collaboration is very good. At the same time, joint meetings are held in two parliamentary committees. We aim to use all Romania's experience in the European integration process and get the decision to open negotiations on EU accession. In these moments, we need the support of our Romanian partners. We are sure that the time will come when both Romania and the Republic of Moldova will be in the EU", said Igor Grosu.

Today, Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu and President of the Romanian Senate Nicolae Ciucă pay a visit to Chisinau. This is first external visit after taking office.







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