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Moldovan deputy PM meets head of Delegation of International Committee of the Red Cross in Moldova

14:35 | 18.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 18 August /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian today had a meeting with the head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Moldova, Doris El Doueihy; attending the event was the head of the Reintegration Policies Bureau, Alin Gvidiani, the aforementioned Bureau has reported.   

The discussions were focused on the activities carried out by ICRC in Moldova, the types of humanitarian assistance provided, cooperation with the national institutions and civil society’s organizations from Moldova, including through the training sessions and measures of consolidating their resilience.    

As for the visits and activities of ICRC employees in the Transnistrian region, the officials stressed the need to notify and coordinate them with the Reintegration Policies Bureau, including in order to avoid sensitive aspects and excessive politicizing on behalf of Tiraspol.   

Deputy PM Oleg Serebrian expressed thanks for the technical and humanitarian assistance provided by ICRC to Moldova, as well as evoked the receptiveness of developing interactions in fields of mutual interest.    

Photo: Reintegration Policies Bureau


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