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Russia bans more Moldovan officials from entering its territory

14:50 | 18.08.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 18 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Ambassador Moldova to Russia Lilian Darii today was summoned at the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry. He was informed about the Russian side’s decision to ban some Moldovan official from entering Russia, in response to the cut in the number of employees of Russia’s  Embassy in Chisinau, the Russian Agency TASS reports, cited by MOLDPRES.   

The Moldovan diplomat was informed that the action was a ‘’protest in connection with the unjustified decision by the Chisinau officials to radically reduce the number of employees of the Russian external missions in Moldova.’’    

The note published by TASS reads that ‘’This unfriendly step leads to the further  worsening of the Russian-Moldovan relations, which are already in a deep crisis because of the Moldovan side’s actions.’’   

The Moldovan Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry informed that it would come up with a reaction to this subject soon.  


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