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Coach with passengers from Moldova involved in traffic accident in Romania

12:49 | 26.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - A coach with Moldovan citizens who were travelling to Bulgaria for leisure collided with a TIR vehicle in the Braila county, Romania, last night; 22 people were injured, MOLDPRES informs, citing Romanian authorities.   

The accident occurred in the Braila county, Romania, on the night of 25 to 26 August, after a coach with 73 passengers from Moldova, moving to Bulgaria for leisure, had collided with a TIR trailer standing on the edge of the road. The accident took place between the settlements Însurăţei and Bărăganu. ‘’The red intervention plan was activated at 00:40. Ambulances from Braila, Galati and Ialomita, as well as two vehicles for the carriage of multiple victims from Ialomita and Galati were sent on the spot,’’ the Braila Emergency Situations Inspectorate (ISU Braila) has informed.     

The Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE), through Moldova’s Embassy in Bucharest, took note in connection with the occurring of this traffic accident.

„Nine people (18 adults and one minor girl) were injured in the wake of the accident. Presently, six people are put in the Braila County Hospital (among whom also an 11-year-old minor) and three persons are hospitalized at the Galati County Hospital. Two persons are subjected to investigations. The hospitalized people are in satisfactory state. The other passengers were accommodated at the Baraganu Club, the settlement where the accident occurred, and were provided with water and food. The transport company is to make available another transport means, which is to take over the passengers,’’ MAEIE said.   

Moldova’s Embassy in Romania is in permanent touch with the local authorities and is available to undertake all consular actions needed.

Photo: ISU Braila







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