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More elderly people of Moldova participate in training courses within University for Third Age project

18:10 | 02.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 October /MOLDPRES/ - People older than 60 years participate in training courses carried out by the Moldovan State University (USM) within the University for Third Age project, launched in Chisinau today. The measure is included in the national plan on active and sound ageing for 2023-2027.    

The programme is focused on extending opportunities of education during the life. It represents a formula of education adapted to elderly men and women. In this way, elderly people will have access to opportunities of education in a friendly environment for active ageing, will be backed and motivated to be, in continuation, active and involved in the social life. The concept is implemented in partnership with the Education and Research Ministry, USM, United Nations Population Fund and the foundation of a mobile telephony company.        

At the event, Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu said that there were fewer opportunities for elderly people in Moldova than in European states. ‘’We are set that this pilot programme be a useful experience. We thank the participants for involvement and for the fact that they applied for this project. We want to extend this wonderful initiative. The ministry promotes the process of active ageing, in order to develop skills and the potential of elderly people,’’ Alexei Buzu noted.  

For his part, Rector of the State University Igor Sarov said that the experience of other states had stayed at the basis of the creation of this programme. ‘’I am sure that this project is viable and will yield important results. We are happy that you return to lecture rooms in a new format. This project is a nice and ambitious one, which promotes programmes on education, as well as the socialization among old people. We thank the partners for the support provided within this project,’’ Igor Sarov also said.      

The courses will be held on the period October 2023 – April 2024. At this stage, the courses, Development of digital skills, and Good condition and communication between generations, will be organized. The duration of one course is of 12 hours (one hour is 45 minutes), with meetings once or twice per week; the duration of one meeting is of 90 minutes.   









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