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PHOTO Moldovan Medical University launches campaign on prevention of injuries, safety of children in traffic

20:07 | 23.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) has launched the national campaign, Prevention of injuries and safety of children in traffic. The event took place at the headquarters of the Gheorghe Asachi Theoretical Lyceum from Chisinau.     

Pupils from the first form and the last forms, as well as teachers of the institution participated in the campaign. The action was organized by the USMF’s Preventive Medicine Department (DMP), in partnership with the National Public Security Inspectorate (INSP) of the Interior Ministry (MAI) and the World Health Organization. The action’s goal was to inform about the traffic rules, in order to prevent traffic injuries among children and enhance the degree of traffic safety.        

A DMP university lecturer, Angela Cazacu-Stratu, noted that the information action was at its second edition and already yielded results. ‘’According to data by police, the number of accidents with the involvement of children is decreasing, which shows that the informing is a force with positive impact on the society, especially on minors,’’ Angela Cazacu-Stratu said.        

Also, INSP representatives showed the children a vehicle of MAI, allowing them to turn on the alarm and the Beacon and urged them to trust policemen, who declared themselves as friends of children.   

The information campaign will be held till 26 November. On this period, the USMF students of the public health syllabus and specialists of the INSP’s patrol department will disseminate information and advertising materials on this subject. 

The initiative is backed by the international project, iCREATE: Increasing Capacity in Research in Eastern Europe. The project is financed by the national health institutions from the USA and is aimed at enhancing the capacity of research and prevention of injuries and violence in three developing countries: Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.   






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